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Friday, September 01, 2006

So i've graduated... now what

now comes this almost orgasmic feeling of pious indifference, if such an animal does indeed exist. i want to do something good. something right. something "for the people... my people." but sometimes, i don't think my people want to be helped. truly.
see, i started a tutoring service, because i felt it was my burden to come back and make something out of my degree since grad school was evading me (or i it, whatever pleases you, dear reader), and i found myself in a most angered state because, even though i'm charging them merely rice kernels (peanuts would be an overstatement) to have one on one tutoring given to their children, i still get complaints about the price (30 dollars a week) and the time (four days a week, after school). What they don't understand, and what i guess i didn't understand until a couple days ago, was that i don't have to do this. i don't owe this place anything. i just took it upon myself, being militant, black, industrious and having an afro... to give back to my mostly unemployed, overwhelmingly illiterate community. unfortunately, they did the same thing they've always done to me, put their snotty noses in the air, and gave me their asses to kiss. fortunately, i have a business partner who will not just let me up and quit the whole deal, which may be a good thing, as far as these kids are concerned. unfortunately for them all though, i'm in talks with a publishing company (yes again) to get a manuscript looked at and hopefully published. and then i will do what all college educated, intelligent, artistic and wholly "different" individuals from small towns do when said towns basically reject the beauty they've created... i will sit in my apartment, drinking tea and smoking cigarettes. i will go off to graduate school and become a scholar like none before (yeah right), i will have a prolific writing career, i will paint and write and party and speak and get paid to do it all... i will vacation and live wherever i choose at someone else's expense and no matter what, i will never go home again.


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